Forest B is a nature-based climate action project made possible by Canada’s B Corp community. This collective action initiative brought together leaders in Canadian business taking tangible steps towards a livable future.
With approximately 25 hectares of formerly agricultural land restored, Wild + Pine prepared a plan for the site that called for approximately 57,000 seedlings of Trembling Aspen, Balsam Poplar, Paper Birch, White Spruce, and Larch. Complementary shrub species of Red Osier Dogwood, Green Alder, and Sandbar willow were also planted. All 57,000+ trees and shrubs have been planted at this project site, alongside routine maintenance for the control of noxious weeds and long-term monitoring.
Founding Brands:
Deployment: Summer 2021
Conservation Partner: Nature Conservancy of Canada
Location: Red Deer County, AB
Area: 25ha / 62ac
Natural Sub Region: Aspen Parkland
Historical Use: Agriculture
Restoration Method: Afforestation
Total Seedlings: 57,000 trees & shrubs
While trees are the most recognized and visible elements of a forest, Wild + Pine’s projects focus on the development of diverse ecosystems. For each tree planted, Wild + Pine creates the scaffolding for a biodiverse understory and regenerative habitat for native plant and animals with selected species that represent surrounding forest community, and succession stage.
Afforestation projects reconstruct areas of the natural land base that have been degraded or converted to alternative uses, such as agriculture or mining. Formerly rich in biodiversity, this critical habitat has been removed from the productive forest landscape, exacerbating the negative effects of human development and ecosystem integrity. This initiative was a community reforestation effort, not for registration of the development of VCU’s.
Forest B lands at the intersection of public interest and corporate social responsibility. With a significant amount of attention on the behaviours and actions taken by companies regarding the environment, 33 Canadian B Corp’s funded Forest B as a tangible opportunity to create a positive impact for our landscapes, ecosystems, and local economy. Please join Wild + Pine in thanking all our trailblazing B Corp partners for their climate leadership in this monumental restoration effort!
We want our business to create positive impact in everything we do. Let’s work together to leverage business as a force for good.