We’ve been leading regional and national reforestation projects since 2011, bringing 360° solutions to clients and partners alike.
While trees are the most recognized and visible elements of a forest, Wild + Pine’s projects focus on the development of diverse ecosystems and forest structure. Taking an area-based approach, Wild + Pine creates a biodiverse and regenerative habitat for native plant and animal species that reflect the surrounding landscape to support a thriving and resilient ecosystem. We don’t plant trees – we build forests.
Wild + Pine’s bespoke carbon removal projects are designed to be registered and verified on the voluntary carbon market.
Alberta’s provincial stone, petrified wood, is the fossilized remains of terrestrial vegetation commonly found across western Canada. Like petrified wood, the StoneWoods Forest Carbon project represents our commitment to permanence and the legacy Wild + Pine endeavours to create in the habitats we restore. Formed over thousands of years by natural processes, the Alberta landscape boasts an abundance of wetlands, lakes, rivers, and forests that are habitat for a variety of native and migratory wildlife. Due to rapidly expanding municipalities, industrial fragmentation, and a changing climate, Alberta’s diverse ecosystems are increasingly under pressure.
StoneWoods has been designed and implemented for the registration and validation of VCU’s once the project’s boundary is finalized.
Forest B is a nature-based climate action project made possible by Canada’s B Corp community. This collective action initiative brought together leaders in Canadian business taking tangible steps towards a livable future.
Forest B lands at the intersection of public interest and corporate social responsibility. With a significant amount of attention on the behaviours and actions taken by companies regarding the environment, 33 Canadian B Corp’s funded this project as a tangible opportunity to create a positive impact for our landscapes, ecosystems, and local economy. Please join Wild + Pine in thanking all our trailblazing B Corp partners for their climate leadership in this monumental restoration effort!
Forest B is a community reforestation project, not registered on the carbon market.
Wild + Pine is an architect of intergenerational forest projects. Our clients look to us to build sound, credible, and transparent carbon removal assets that can be utilized against their emissions profile approaching 2050.
We believe in the power of nature. Not because it’s our passion, but for its potential in economically addressing the climate and biodiversity crisis paired with a long list of co-benefits.
We’re in the business of regenerating our planet, and we want to represent those organizations who are too.
Transform the environment by building the old growth forests of the future.